

Monday, February 22, 2021

Hello from Toni: Sunny Studio Garden Fairy

Hi, everybody!  Are you itching for spring as much as I am?  I'm tired of the gloom and am so ready for the blooms!  Fortunately my hyacinth and daffodils are poking their heads out so soon I'll have lots and lots of pink in my garden.  Woo hoo!

My card which features the Sunny Studio Garden Fairy set uses pink and then more pink.  I used it on the sky and trees of the Sunny Studio Country Scene,  on the Sunny Studio Woodsy Autumn tree and on the Sunny Studio Garden Fairy images.   

A little Zig pink goes a looooong way.  Lots of green on this spring card too. I used Zigs with a few Copics to add simple details.  Just too too cute!

I'll see you again soon.  If you'd like to check out my other creations in the meantime, you can visit my blog, Frankie Helps Craft, my Instagram, or my Pinterest Board.   

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  1. Such a sweet card! 💗Hope your flower garden bursts forth with all those daffodils and hyacinths. Mmmm... love the scent of hyacinths! Thanks for sharing your magical card!

    1. Thanks Joan for leaving such a sweet comment!
